Tokyo Galaxy Japanese Language School tuition


Reasonable tuition

  • Tuition is inclusive of the cost of textbooks and other expenses.
  • Our school is a Educational Foundation; thus there is no additional consumption tax.
  • Every course is applied the same tuition.
  • Unlike other schools:
    – Special Admissions class tuition is the same.
    – The Business class tuition is the same.
  • Tuition can be paid in installments every 6 months, reducing the financial burden of initial study-abroad costs.

Long Term Student Tuition

Student Visa
The cost of textbooks and other fees are included to the tuition.

Items STUDENT VISA Remarks
General College Preparatory Course
Registration fee
(1 time only)
20,000 Yen 20,000 Yen To be paid when filing registration documents
Entrance fee
(1 time only)
60,000 Yen 60,000 Yen To be paid after the visa application result is received from
the Tokyo Immigration Office within 2 to 3 weeks.
Tuition for 2 terms from the second term:
Tuition (6 months) 400,000 Yen 420,000 Yen
Total Fee 480,000 Yen 500,000 Yen Tuition for 2 terms from 6 months:
● The Regular Course: 400,000 Yen
● The College Preparatory Course: 420,000 Yen

* If you choose optional subjects in Special Preparatory Class, additional tuition fee is 10,000 yen / subject.

* Students with regular course and college preparatory course visa need to join the foreign student insurance designated by the school (not included to the tuition).

Short Term Student Tuition

The cost of textbooks and other fees are included to the tuition.

Items Course Tuition Fee Remarks
Tuition 10 weeks course 220,000 Yen We ask you to finish the payment by the deadline of tuition of each term.
6 weeks course 160,000 Yen